
Tall Girl Crushes: Jenilee & Caitlin

Tall Girl Crushes: Jenilee & Caitlin

When it comes to height, these girls are the real deal.  Or better yet, The Real Tall ?.  Say hello to Jenilee and Caitlin!  Two beautiful sisters from one amazing tall family. Names: Jenilee & Caitlin Ages: 30 & 26...Read More
Tall Girl Crush: Ryan Lynn

Tall Girl Crush: Ryan Lynn

Sweet Tall Sister,Say hello to Ryan Lynn!  Have you ever been told not to wear heels?  Have you ever considered people literally LOOKING UP to you to be a positive thing?  Well, Ryan has a thing or two to say on...Read More
Tall Girl Crush: Kerstin Aisha

Tall Girl Crush: Kerstin Aisha

Hi Tall Sis! We are so excited to have our Tall Girl Crush series up-and-running again. It's the perfect way to begin Women's History Month. Be on the lookout for more amazing stories from fellow tall sisters every Wednesday. We...Read More