Sweet Tall Sister,
Say hello to Ryan Lynn! Have you ever been told not to wear heels? Have you ever considered people literally LOOKING UP to you to be a positive thing? Well, Ryan has a thing or two to say on both of these subjects and so much more when it comes to standing above the crowd.

Name: Ryan Lynn Johnson
Age: 25
Height: 6’0″
Current City: Los Angeles, CA
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
So many things! Learning to salsa dance, volunteering, running, traveling, spending time with loved ones, trying new restaurants and going to concerts/festivals.
Current place on your bucket list to travel and why?
Iceland! I’ve always wanted to see the Northern Lights. The images look gorgeous and it’s so different than the other destinations that I’ve visited!
What has been your journey to self acceptance/confidence?
Even though my family has always affirmed the beauty in standing out as a tall woman, there have definitely been several moments in my life where I wanted to be just a little shorter. As a tall girl growing up, I always received comments about how I should be playing basketball or volleyball. People assumed that because I was tall, that was my only aspiration or talent. At the time, I was bothered by these constant comments and I would just pretend to laugh it off. In my past dating experiences, I’ve been jokingly referred to as “giant” and was also told that I shouldn’t be wearing heels. I shrugged those actions off at the time, but now use them as educational moments to challenge stereotypes. I have now grown to become a confident young woman that intentionally chooses to surround myself with people that respect and accept me for who I am, heels or no heels.

What is your favorite thing about being tall?
I love feeling like I’m standing out in a sea of people! It also can sometimes be a positive conversation-starter if a new person wants to initiate getting to know me!
What is one item that you are dying to have in your closet?
Thigh-high suede brown or black heeled boots! They look so great on tall women because they accentuate our beautiful, long legs.
Are there any tall girl style tips/hacks that you’ve come to use over the years?
Before purchasing items like pants, shirts or jackets online, I look to see if there’s a description of the model’s height. Then based on the relativity of the model’s height to my own height, I make a decision if the fit would be flattering.
What woman currently inspires you and why?
Of course my mom, grandma, and great aunts have always been enormous, positive influences in my life. They have all served our community through their careers in education, community and service-oriented social organizations.
In addition, I admire girl boss, Laverne Delgado-Small, who is the Executive Director of Freedom & Fashion. She has been my mentor for over a year now. She has added so much to my understanding of leadership as she works with youth who’ve experienced trafficking, homelessness, as well as other injustices. Freedom & Fashion provides beauty and fashion mentorship programs for our youth, with powerful discussions about empowering their talents, strength, and beauty. I’ve had the pleasure of volunteering with the organization for over a year now as well.
What words of advice would you like to leave with the tall girls who are reading this?
Think of yourself as literally ABOVE AVERAGE. People LOOK UP to you! Use that power with confidence and strive to be a person that loves every aspect of yourself so that you can channel that into love and service for others!

Well, with those closing words, this is probably a good place to drop the mic 🎤. Can you relate? Ever been told to play basketball, volleyball, be a model, etc.? We’d love to hear your story in the comments below.
Let Height Arise