Today our Tall Girl Crush is coming to you from London, UK. Say hello to Ingrid!

Name: Ingrid
Height: 6’1″
Current City: London, UK
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
In general, I have many hobbies. I’m very enthusiastic about learning new things and I’m always trying new sports, crafts, etc. But let’s just say that crafting and designing are my faves.
Current place on your bucket list to travel and why?
Thailand! It’s simple. I love beaches and everything exotic. And Thailand has both!
What has been your journey to self-acceptance?
I have 2 things that are vey noticeable about me: my height and my hair. When I was a child, I suffered from bullying. It was a really hard moment in my life and I always ended up being punished for being “different”. I mean, I didn’t fit the “normal” standards. People turned their backs on me and I had to come to understand that I am never going to fit someone else’s desires. What is a “normal standard” anyways? Something we see in magazines? In order to be confident, the first thing we need to do is forget the people that once hurt us and the rest will come together.

What is your favorite thing about being tall?
Nowadays there are so many things I love about being tall! I love my height so much and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. The best advantage is when going to concerts you can see everything around you.
Do you have any tall girl style hacks/tips that you’ve come to use over the years?
Well, the only thing I now know is that if I want any specific style that I can’t find on the market, I can make it myself. That makes me feel good and no longer upset when I go out shopping. On the other hand, I know a few brands that make clothing for tall girls so I look at those brands regularly.
What is one item you are dying to have in your closet?
A balmain jacket!

What woman currently inspires you and why?
When I was a child I used to admire many things but today, I love everything that is different and unique. I can easily fall in love with an outfit or a photo. But someone I admire for her passion in life, her courage and her style is Viktoria Modesta. I have been a huge fan of hers for many years now.
What words of advice would you like to leave with the tall girls who are reading this?
First of all, if someone dislikes you because of your height, f**k them. Don’t pay attention to that! Secondly, enjoy your life to the fullest because we only have one life to live.

Thank you, Ingrid, for your bold words and confidence.
Until next time!
With Boldness,
Let Height Arise