Does any of this sound familiar?
Hey it’s the Jolly Green Giant
or Daddy Long Legs
Question of the day: How’s the weather up there?
Have you ever made eye contact with a guy from across the room while you’re both sitting down? And then you stand up, he sees how tall you are and he runs away.
I could continue on this list but I’m betting that you’re already nodding your head in agreement on the other side of the computer screen. If this sounds like a snapshot of your life, then you will totally relate to the movie Tall Girl. Especially because everything I just mentioned is covered in the first 5 minutes. Along with the short, sassy best friend played by Anjelika Washington. But more important than the “pain points” of being tall, this movie is really a journey of self-acceptance and self-confidence. A story of being bullied to becoming bold. To be confident in your own skin. To love EVERY INCH of yourself from the inside out. Truthfully, I wish this movie was around when I was in high school.

Now, I don’t want to give away too much of the movie storyline because I want you to enjoy watching it for yourself. Ava Michelle truly embodies what it is to grow up tall. I guarantee her journey is very similar to what you have been through too. Chances are you’ll be looking at the screen and thinking “yep, this is my life”. On Wednesday night, I was in a theater full of tall sisters that would tell you the same thing. A HUGE THANK YOU to The Tall Society and Netflix for making that happen. After you watch the movie let me know what you think! Especially the last 2 minutes. You’ll know what I mean when you get there. I’ll tell you this much…it involves a crate. And every single girl in the theater was yelling “NO! Don’t do it! Nooooo!” So like I said, tell me what you think in the comments below once you see it.