Our Tall Girl Feature this week is from a recent transplant to the west coast. Say hello to Lu of Lucindervention.

Name: Lucinda
Height: 6’2″
Current City: Monterey, CA
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
Aside from blogging, I love heritage tourism and studying historic architecture.
Current place on your bucket list to travel and why?
South American wine country for the warm weather and the Malbec.

What has been your journey to self-acceptance?
High school was obviously brutal, until I became an upperclassman and just no longer cared. Senioritis of the height, if you will. I had to understand that I was just never going to be able to change how tall I was. A few years later I realized that it was my height that set me apart and that is when I finally embraced it.
What is your favorite part about being tall?
My favorite thing about being tall is standing at a higher altitude and getting the good, cool air at concert.
What is one item that you are dying to have in your closet?
A button-down shirt with a repp stripe placket.
Are there any style tips for tall girls that you’ve come to use over time?
Right now, I am really into wearing my husband’s Brooks Brothers Oxford button-down shirts, untucked, cuffs rolled up and pairing them with voluminous A-line skirts. I have been feeling so claustrophobic in nearly all of my clothes, and the only fitted part of that outfit formula is the waistband of the skirt.

What woman currently inspires you and why?
I am so inspired by Emily Johnston of Fashion Foie Gras. Emily never seems to be swayed by what is “of the moment” in terms of trends. Rather, she has amazing personal style that leans towards classic. Though she also uses affiliate links, I never feel like she is trying to “sell” readers anything. I love that despite her massive success across social media, she has never lost the focus of her blog.
What words of advice would you like to leave with our tall community?
Head up high and shoulders back, ladies!

“Head up high and shoulders back” sounds like the perfect high note to leave you with. Stand tall today and every day!
Let Height Arise