Hi Tall Sis!
We are so excited to have our Tall Girl Crush series up-and-running again. It’s the perfect way to begin Women’s History Month. Be on the lookout for more amazing stories from fellow tall sisters every Wednesday. We recently had the opportunity to interview tall beauty Kerstin Aisha. Take a few minutes to read her story about everything from self-acceptance, tall girl style hacks, and finding true love.
Name: Kerstin Aisha
Age: 26
Height: I’m 6’2 on a good day, 6’3 on a great one
Current City: Los Angeles, CA
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I love hiking and spending time in the mountains with my three dogs. Aside from that, I enjoy traveling, trying out new restaurants, modeling, and poetry.
Current place on your bucket list to travel and why?
Costa Rica! I love active vacations, and Costa Rica has so much to offer – volcanos to hike, rainforests to explore, and waterfalls to chase.
What has been your journey to self acceptance/confidence?
Growing up during the rise of social media, I often fell, and still occasionally fall, in the comparison trap. I punished myself for not having a petite frame, a thigh gap, blonde beach waves, or whatever else was considered beautiful at the time. Seeing more and more women embracing their natural features and promoting body positivity helped me embrace my natural beauty. I stopped straightening and bleaching my hair, which I did for as long as I could remember, to now show off my natural lion-esque mane. Connecting with other tall women and letting myself get inspired by their confidence was also a huge part of my journey. I even wore 4″ heels on a night out with my friends, and I felt like a GODDESS! Overall, I’ve come a long way. And I am still on my journey to loving and embracing my height and looks whole-heartedly.

What is your favorite thing about being tall?
The other day, I read an affirmation post saying that as a tall woman, I hold the gift of being memorable. This is the most positive way I have ever thought about my height. My favorite thing about being tall is that my height comes with a spotlight that gives me the opportunity to shine and show the world who I am every day.
Do you have any tall girl style hacks/tips that you’ve come to use over the years?
When shopping in the regular section, I usually go for off-the-shoulder tops, midi skirts, or dresses with adjustable straps. I also don’t mind wearing regular length pants as cropped pants. However, in my opinion, there is no better look than wearing pieces that truly fit you. My 2019 resolution is to learn how to sew so I can create my own designs and adjust pieces so they will fit me.
What is one item that you are dying to have in your closet?
I would die for a cute mini-skirt! Not only do I struggle to find a mini-skirt that goes to my mid-thighs, but I also struggle with finding a skirt that fits my thick-thighed-small-waisted frame.

What woman currently inspires you and why?
The woman that consistently inspires me is my bestie Kelly <3 Since I met her in 2015, I’ve watched her set goals and crush them. She handles every challenge that life throws her way like a champ and never fails to make time for the people she cares for.
What words of advice would you like to leave with the tall girls who are reading this?
The one thing I’ve learned that brought the greatest happiness to my life is not to let my height dictate who I date. For the longest time, I limited my dating pool to guys who were my height or taller, which resulted in me dating men for no other reason than their height. When I finally let go of the idea that it’s only acceptable to date a tall(er) guy, I met my 5’7 boyfriend, and I was never in a more loving relationship. Ladies, love is love. Don’t be afraid of being with someone that makes you happy just because they do not fit the expectations of society, your family, or anyone else that’s not you.

Thank you so much for sharing your story Kerstin. We love your perspective on embracing your height for the gift that it is. And to the girl reading this right now, yes you, can you relate to Kerstin’s story? Do you believe your height is a gift? Tell us what you think in the comments below.
Let Height Arise